Perspective Of Yet Another Night Owl

Football, Homecoming, Parades & the Kids

Zachary had a couple of great games this past week.  Wednesday night the ULYFL Giants played against the ULYFL Bandits.  The Giants won 20-6.  It was a fantastic game and gave the boys a sense of “we CAN do this” which was needed after their first game loss to the LLFBL Rams.  Saturday night the Giants played against the ULYFL Titans and won again, 8-0.  The score would have been 20-0, but we had two touchdowns called back for some pretty stupid penalties.  One was recalled for blocking from behind, a silly mistake.  The second was recalled for holding, an even sillier mistake but it happens.  The coaches were not too pleased about the penalties, but I think the boys were actually feeling worse about them.  

Zachary on the move!

(Zachary is on the left of the photo with the long blue sleeves.)

Zachary was moved to a different position in this game and had quite a few important tackles.  He was hurt during one of them in the second quarter.  Continue reading

It’s Homecoming, Football, Cheer & Wedding Season…Is that all?

Saturday, October 20, was Homecoming here in my little town.  My oldest attended the pancake breakfast with her friends.  Then she was off to join the Homecoming Parade.  Since she is in marching band, she had to go a bit earlier than we did.   As the oldest headed to the high school, we left to attend my youngest’s football game to watch her cheer.  It was the last game before playoffs and although the team did not win, they do have at least 1 playoff game to look forward to.  We were then off to the parade.  For the rest of my weekend, keep on reading. Continue reading

Life’s Latest ~ Football, Homecoming & Dates!
October 16, 2007, 11:27 am
Filed under: Balance, Band, Cheerleading, Exciting, Family, Football, High School, Kids, Life, Marching Band, Shopping

Where do I begin?  The last couple of weeks have been very hectic for my family, but positive.  Beside taking care of my Mom, I have been busy with the kids as well.  My hubby has been great in helping out with them, getting them off to school, practice and everything else.  So read on to find out all we have done and will be doing.  Continue reading

Marching Band & Instruments
July 6, 2007, 3:29 pm
Filed under: Band, High School, Instruments, Kids, Marching Band, Music, Photos, Student


It’s almost here! Marching Band season is about to begin with band camp starting in August.  What does that mean for me?  My oldest daughter who has been playing the flute for 3 years now is ready to be upgraded to a piccolo.  Continue reading